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Digital News Editing - Tutorial 10

Writer's picture: Lee  Yong JianLee Yong Jian

Look up one story from two different news websites, briefly discuss how the story is presented on its headline, lead, structure, sources, and multimedia elements.
Ask yourself whether the story is a complete piece and is there a room for improvement.  Explain the reason for improvement.     

These 2 articles are about Marc Lourdes’s death. There are 2 different publications which are TheStar(Malaysia) and CNN (United States) had reported this story.

Headline: Keywords been used with simple and clear that easily brings out he was a Star journalist and been died in a road accident.

Lead: Used direct lead and this type of news lead is often used by the TheStar with the 5W1H matter because it is easier to understand the overall situation in a single paragraph.

In the article:

Former Star journalist, Marc Lourdes (who), died (what) in a road accident (how) along Jalan Machang-Kok Lanas, Kota Baru (where) on Saturday (Feb 5) (when).

Structure: Used the inverted pyramid structure. In this article, the lead had summarized the situation, the body of the article had provided those important facts on the situation and TheStar provided some background information of Marc in the last few paragraphs.


Primary Sources

  • New Straits Times

  • Raymond Jude, Marc's brother

With these primary sources, the credibility of the story is strengthened.

Multimedia elements: Only provides 1 photo of Marc in black and white.

Suggestion: I would suggest that TheStar can put some previous works from Marc in a video or photo form to let readers know and appreciate the hard work from him since he was the journalist in TheStar. Other than that, TheStar can be finding some interviewees such as his wife, family, or friends to know more about him and their feeling on this situation.


Headline: The keyword also simple and clear and this had mentioned that he was the director of CNN digital Asia Director but without written out he was died due to a road accident. CNN used the CNN digital Asia Director as his title making him more influential rather than just journalists.

Lead: Used summary lead due to this type of lead is easier to understand the overall situation by sawing the 5W1H in the article.

In the article:

Marc Lourdes, a former director of CNN Digital Worldwide for Asia-Pacific (who), died (what) tragically in a motorcycle accident (how) in Malaysia (where) on Saturday (when).

Structure: Used the hourglass structure. In this article, the first part covered the news with information such as the death of Marc. The second part is a flexible bridge that connects the news to the focus discussion, CNN used the journey before and after he joined CNN. Then the third part of the news is the interview and a quotation from his wife, his superior, and friends.


Primary Sources

  • CNN

  • Marc’s wife, Darshini

  • CNN Hong Kong bureau chief, Roger Clark

  • CEO and chairman of Tatler Asia Group, Michel Lamuniere

The more the sources in a single story, the more credibility also increased and more information can get in a single story. This can help readers to know more about different aspects of the same situation.

Multimedia elements: 1 piece of a photo of Marc in the article and 1 video of his previous works that he reported the Malaysian election for CNN in 2018.

Suggestion: I suggest that CNN can elaborate more on his death such as where he died and who confirmed it. This can help the reader to know clearly about this. The article is too lengthy due to too much information from interviews that can be shortened a bit. This is because an article that is too long can cause readers to skip or tired during reading the article but this be easily solved, CNN can use the video style to record the interview. This also helps the reader with more interactive elements in this article.

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